You do not have the roles required to access this portlet.
Knowing how to use comerzzia properly is vital to get the full potential of the platform. In this sense, comerzzia offers a training to its clients. The goal is to be able to show comerzzia's functionalities and capabilities to the users who are going to work directly with the product, such Marketing or Sales Department.
In comerzzia we always adapt the training to the needs that our user clients require for their normal operations. The training level corresponding to the Expert User Training. These users will receive the corresponding certification and may have an advanced product domain at a functional level, in addition to knowing the basic architecture of comerzzia and its parameterization. This training lasts 8 hours and is made up of the following sections, always influencing or being modified according to customer needs:
In basic training:
  • Backoffice User: overview, interface description, permission and access settings, configuration for sales and operations in central.
  • POS User: especially aimed at staff who require general knowledge of POS / FastPOS. It includes a description of the physical store environment, access to the POS, store processes, sale and charge, documents consultation, home delivery, gift card management. Within the FastPOS, the gestural language, product consultation, sales and charge process and the parked ticket are explained. Within the Backoffice in Store, item queries and changes of items and rates.
  • Sistema de promociones: it is aimed at the people who are going to carry out the management of sales promotions available in the Backoffice module. It is allowed to configure promotions, see different types such as promotions accessible by coupon or associated with Loyalty as well as several case studies.
  • Loyalty: for people who go to work with the comerzzia loyalty program. We explain the configuration of the module, the acquisition of loyalty and the colective, the management of cards, redemptions of points, management of campaigns and actions from Marketing and a brief explanation of the Loyalty App.
  • e-commerce modulo: general concepts of Liferay and the content manager, functionalities within the virtual store such as the product catalog, the private user area or the purchase process, as well as the functional scope of the e-commerce app.
In additional training:
  • ISLA: this training is aimed at the user who will carry out the management of logistics processes, sales, inventories, regulations, transfers, etc. The operation is seen from the point of view of the store, the warehouse and the head office, in addition to various practical cases.
  • OMS+: especially dedicated to the personnel who will carry out the services and preparation of orders from the OMS+ comerzzia module, visiting the configurations, the management of services and preparations, billing and practical cases.
  • E-commerce: this training makes sense for anyone who requires advanced knowledge of design management about the virtual store, in order to customize its design and associated content. In this sense, you can see the different menu configurations, the customization of the design of the portlets and the theme and the configuration of articles and the omni-channel services offered.